Art Explainer 1: The Power to Look

Art Explainer Series

Art Explainer videos empower you to look at and understand art from any historical period or culture. Using three artworks from the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago, each short video unpacks a central theme and uses innovative visual storytelling to highlight the choices artists made to shape form and meaning in their works. Ultimately, Art Explainer videos show that each of us already possesses a powerful tool for making sense of art: that of looking closely. Designed for high school and college students as well as adults, the video series is produced for the web and usable in a wide range of learning environments, from mobile devices to formal school classrooms.

Videos developed in collaboration with Leviathan.

I played the role of creative director on this project.

Art Explainer 1: The Power to Look

Art Explainer 2: Surface and Depth

Art Explainer 3: Light and Shadow